From November 16 to December 8, Daniele Catalli and Eleonora Diana were guests at La Casa de las Mercedes to develop a new stage of research for Dream Circus.

“During the workshop residency at the Casa de las Mercedes center in Mexico City, we had the opportunity to develop another aspect of our research that actively engages with the audience.
By collaborating with Casa de las Mercedes, we initiated our first phase of analysis on this theme, allowing us to connect with a place dedicated to the recovery of minors who are victims of violence. This created a safe environment where young people could explore and reclaim their experiences.
In Mexico City, we also collaborated with Iazua Larios, a local artist and performer, with whom we were able to further develop a branch of the Museo Del Sogno project. We used the participants’ dreams as a starting point for a creative process. Initially, we focused on collecting nighttime dreams, encouraging each girl to share their dream experiences.
Each girl then worked with us to translate their dream into a personal image.
The final phase involved transforming these images into amulets using the aluminum embossing technique. For this part, we used everyday materials (aluminum trays, markers, ballpoint pens) so that the girls could replicate the technique on their own. This phase not only stimulated creativity but also facilitated a process of self-evaluation and inner reflection.
The concluding stage took place through the final exhibition of the works. Each girl displayed her amulet and shared the story behind it. At the end of the exhibition, each participant was able to keep their object.”