Opera Bianco is an artistic research project directed by Vincenzo Schino, director and visual artist and Marta Bichisao, dancer and choreographer. It has presented his works, performances and installations in many theatres and festivals of the contemporary scene.
Opera Bianco has a dynamic nature and crosses different disciplines on the scene: visual arts, sound art, poetry, cinema. The multiplicity of languages contributes to the creation of immersive experiences that challenge a traditional form of fruition, offering alternative viewpoints and alternative postures.
Since 2018 Opera Bianco has been an artist IN SITU.
In 2020 the project JUMP! won the Ministry of Foreign Affairs production award “Vivere all’italiana sul palcoscenico”.
The company is currently working on choreographic research between body and landscape, with particular attention to an intergenerational scenic coexistence between dance professionals and citizens.